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kids playing football in the spring.

Is it a Cold or Spring Allergies? How to Tell in Children

As the weather warms up and flowers bloom, many parents notice their child developing a runny nose, sneezing, or congestion. But how do you know if it’s just a common cold or spring allergies? Since the symptoms can overlap, it’s important to understand the differences to ensure your child gets the right care. While colds

sick child

What’s the Difference Between the Cold, Flu, and Sinus Infections?

When kids get sick, it can be hard to distinguish between common conditions like the cold, flu, and sinus infections. Each condition shares overlapping symptoms but requires different approaches to care, making things extra confusing. Understanding the distinctions can help you manage your child’s illness effectively and know when to seek medical attention. What Is

child who just got flu shot.

2024-2025 Flu Season: What Parents Should Know

As the 2024-2025 flu season approaches, parents everywhere are preparing to keep their families healthy. With changing viruses and lingering concerns about COVID-19, it’s important to stay informed. Below, we’ll cover key questions like: What do flu symptoms look like? Which children are at higher risk? Should your child get a flu shot? And, of

Cheerful Pediatrician Doing A Medical Checkup on a toddler

What To Expect During Your Child’s Well-Child Visit

Just as adults need to see their physician at least once a year for a wellness visit, so do children. You wouldn’t hesitate to take them if they are sick, but it’s just as beneficial to take them when they are not. It’s a way to be sure your child is developing according to certain

little girl blowing her nose.

Helping Your Child Navigate Through Spring Allergy Season

Spring is great! Well, maybe not so much if you suffer with seasonal allergies. You know the drill with sneezing, itchy eyes, and needing to blow your nose continuously. It’s bad enough when you are the one suffering, but it’s harder to deal with if it’s your little one. Helping your child navigate through spring